The 10th November marks the day when women effectively stop earning until the following year. Is November the time to lay down tools until the following year or is it time to ping an email requesting your appraisal AKA your pay review?
Having worked in the corporate world for 10 years I have seen with my own eyes the disparity between the sexes. It is widely known 'women graduate at a wage gap and that gap widens over time'. (American Association University of Women. (ISBN: 978-1-879922-43-3)
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"You are worth more than a stamp and stamps have had a 23% pay rise in the last five years." Alison (1st class stamp price 85p in 2021 compared to 65p in 2017)
I am co-owner of Red Ruby Rouge, I studied Politics at University and wrote my dissertation on Gender Pay Gap more than ten years ago. Sadly for womankind, not much has changed a decade later. Co-owning this wonderful jewellery company has forced us to have to be brave. When we design jewellery we always keep in mind women accessorize to feel confident to face the challenges of the day ahead. You can't do that with itchy jewellery, we passionately believe women deserve treasure for their hard earned cash. Our silver jewellery is made to last for women who mean business.
As we get ready to mark equal pay day, we take a look at what limiting beliefs may be holding women back from taking charge and booking in their pay-rise meeting.
Show yourself some Love and get yourself a payrise: Featuring Silver Kiss Necklace
Seven myths which may be stopping you from asking for a payrise
Myth Number One
There is progress, times are changing we will get there soon..
Not correct, it wont happen in our lifetime, it won't happen in our daughters or granddaughters lifetime! The pace of change has actually slowed down. It will take 135.6 years at this current pace for the gender pay gap to close. (World Economic Forum 2021).
In USA between the years 1970s and the 2000s the pay of women on average increased 19 cents increase in 40 years. (US Women's Beau and the National Comitee on equal pay)
"The price of eggs has increased more than the price of female labor relative to men" Jessica Macias
It will take 135.6 years for the pay gap to close. Another generation of women will have to wait for gender parity
According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021. As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt, closing the global gender gap has increased by a generation from 99.5 years to 135.6 years.
Source 2021
Myth Number Two
The pay gap is not very big £1.65 mean, £4.04 median; the gap is not huge.
It adds up, in a year the difference is huge. Our beautiful sister, your salary is the way your time is valued. Your time is valuable; your life, your future, time away from your family, money to pay bills, your financial independence. You need to value your time and being forgiving with this 'small' matter is not virtuous, it is harming your family or even future family's finances. By all means be forgiving in any other area of your life, but not with your remuneration. The labour you are selling must not be cheaper and is not of less value than your male counterpart.
Myth Number Three
There is probably a reason why my male colleague is getting paid more than me.
What reason could there possibly be for your to receive less money in your bank account that someone with different organs to you? It simply does not make sense. It is not a grey issue. It is a binary situation, either a yes or a no. Are you being paid the same as your male colleagues? If the answer is no then keep reading on.
If someone is doing the same job as you, you should not be getting paid different amounts.
Myth Number Four
If I ask for a pay rise I will look bad
If you present a clear reason why your pay should be in line with
1. your achieved targets
2. current and new responsibilities
3. inflation
you will look bright, organised and respectable. Being professional will make you look good, not bad.
Myth Number Five
If I ask for a payrise my boss will not like me anymore
It is always better to be respected than to be liked. You go to work to be professional and to make money, not to make friends with people that pay you less. As long as you are professional and hardworking your boss will value you and respect you. Remember bosses expect employees to ask for a pay rise.
Reach for the stars: Featuring Silver with Swarovski detail stars earrings
Myth Number Six
If I ask for a payrise I could end up fired.
In the UK there are clear employment rights protecting employees. A person can only get fired after three warnings. Asking for a pay rise cannot get you a warning. We all know this rationally, but believe it or not, this is a reason many women give for not asking for a pay rise.
Just make sure you book a meeting with the decision maker, not with another underpaid member of staff. If they cannot get a pay rise for themselves, they are not the best person to make a plea on your behalf. Appraisals work both ways and are an excellent opportunity for a pay review, at very bare minimum in line with inflation.
Myth Number Seven
Someone else will fix the pay gap..
Unless we negotiate a salary for our-self, sadly change is not going to happen in our lifetime, we need to stop being the discount.
"If we are not getting paid, we are getting screwed" "Women are the discount, we cannot wait for other people to fix this. It does not matter whose fault it is where it is society or history's fault. What matters is what can WE change". Jessica Macias TED talk Youtube
You can be strong and vulnerable at the same time, you can email your boss and book in your pay review meeting. It is time to "Eat the frog" and get the pay review booked in.
Equal Pay Day this Year in the UK is 10th November 2021. In Great Britain, Equal Pay Day marks the day in the year when women effectively stop earning until the following year.
THE FIGHT IS FOR EQUAL PAY. #EqualPayDay 10th of November 2021.
Women have power. Some women start businesses, some quit jobs making them miserable and some women climb up the ladder and get their higher pay.
Red Ruby Rouge Owners Allison & Kattya
"Women power dress to be brave and face the challenges of the day with style and confidence. Our jewellery is for women who mean business". Allison RRR x
Some of our favorite girl power charities:
To fund girls to go to school
Fighting Human Traficking
Charity providing work clothes for women to go to interviews: